#8: Kay Foltz – A Mentor’s Top Ten List for Surviving the Mom Years

#MomLife show

Summary: <p></p> <p><a href="https://vimeo.com/259276412">MomLife Intro video E8</a> from <a href="https://vimeo.com/user38519297">La Jolla Presbyterian Church</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> <p>Thanks for listening, ladies! This week we’re joined by Kay Foltz.</p> <p>Join us each Friday as we post a new #Momlife podcast. I want you to be encouraged in your journey with Jesus. Know that you are loved, that your kids were placed by our incredible Creator in your womb and you are the absolute best mom for your little people. Know that God is good and has good plans for you and your family. I encourage you ladies to trust God and notice the little gifts he gives you each day, the moments that are small blessings. And I pray that each of you amazing ladies will also find ways to love, encourage, and bless those around you today. If you find these podcast conversations encouraging and helpful, please subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about today’s episode, as well as past conversations at momlife.ljpres.org. #momlife is a ministry of La Jolla Presbyterian church. Today’s episode was produced by myself and Jim Sedgwick, and I’m your host Cynthia Blase. I pray you have a joy-filled day!</p>