MM 10 Reflection: 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge (Day Four-Combat Negativity)

Mindful Mondays Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to Day Two of 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge. Please go back to Day One if you are just starting. **Please also see Mindfulness Meditation Two (Mindful Breathing Exercise). ** What to expect? Day 4: Mindfully Combat Negativity Today you are going to be the observer of your emotions as if you are a doctor studying a patient. It may be beneficial to keep a thought journal to track your emotions and thoughts. Pay attention to any time you have a negative emotion, such as anger, resentment, sadness, frustration, annoyance, anxiety, depressive feelings, guilt, etc. As soon as you notice the emotion, be mindful of what you are thinking. Outside factors never cause negative feelings. It is the thought attached to the situation that causes the feelings. Understanding what thoughts you are attaching to situations will help you understand where your negativity comes from and also help reduce it. Often we have a negative feeling and then attach more thoughts to support the negative feeling which in turn increases its intensity. By simply taking a step back, and being mindful of your thoughts and the situation, you are able to stop this process before it gets out of control. When you have trouble getting out of a negative mindset, focus on being mindful in the current situation. Use techniques from meditation to help with this. Think of it as riding your bike down a steep hill. The top of the hill is the environment, then a negative thought comes along and gives you a little push down the hill. This hill can be very small or it can be gigantic. If you allow your mind and emotions to take over, you continue to pick up momentum and before you realize, you are speeding down a hill, out of control, with no way of stopping yourself. Now, if you insert mindfulness immediately after that push, the ground begins to level and you realize it was just a small hill and you quickly regain control. Today, focus on being mindful as soon as you feel any negativity. Take the situation for what it is, pay attention to your thoughts, and you will notice this can quickly begin to lessen your negative emotions. Bring your focus to the present moment (sights, sounds, etc.). This will help stop you from rolling down that hill of negativity. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: