MM 12 Reflection: 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge (Day Six-Mindful Commuting)

Mindful Mondays Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to Day Two of 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge. Please go back to Day One if you are just starting. **Please also see Mindfulness Meditation Two (Mindful Breathing Exercise). ** What to expect? Anytime you travel or commute today, plan to be mindful. This could be your commute to and from work, it can be driving the kids to school, it can be running errands or going to the gym. It also does not have to be when you are driving. If you bike or walk to places, be mindful during those activities. If you take public transportation, also remember to be mindful. During any of these commutes, practice all of the sensation-focusing exercises you used during your meditation practices. Do not listen to any music, news, or podcasts. Just let your mind become aware of all the sensations you are feeling, hearing, seeing, and smelling. If commute with other people, be mindful of all conversations during this time. Listen to everything being said without thinking how you are going to respond to it. If others are having a conversation, listen but without placing any judgments or thoughts on what you are hearing. Allow the words others are saying to enter and exit your awareness without holding on to anything. If you struggle with anger while driving or comminuting, this is the perfect time to implement the mindful techniques discussed during Day 4 (Mindfully Combatting Negativity). Read through those instructions again to help remind you of the techniques. or weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: