MM 23 Meditation: Mindful Challenge Meditation #5 {Mindful Mind Meditation}

Mindful Mondays Podcast show

Summary: Mindful Mind Meditation Part of 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge! Preparation: Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Take 5 slow, deep, calming breaths to get you into your meditative state. Head Focus For this meditation, you will focus on the sensations of your head. Typically we associate the head with a place where thoughts are constantly being fired off, but in this meditation, you will focus only on the sensations and feel what it is like to have a peaceful head space. Feel the sensation of the top of your head. Temperature, hair follicles, etc. Move down to your forehead and repeat. Next feel your eyelids closed over your eyes. What do you see? Move down to your nose and feel your breath moving in and out. Move down to your lips. Notice if they are closed or open and if they are tense or relaxed. Finally, pay attention to any sensations of your chin. Move now to the back of your head. What sensations do you feel? Is there pressure or weight? Finally, pay attention to the inside of your head without any thoughts. Are there any sensations? Keep this mindful focus until the end of the meditation.