MM 31 Reflection: 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge (Day 21-Final Day. What's Next?)

Mindful Mondays Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to Day Two of 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge. Please go back to Day One if you are just starting. **Please also see Mindfulness Meditation Six (Mindful Sensations Relaxing Meditation). ** What to expect? Conclusion Congratulations on making it through the challenge! It is not easy to commit yourself to such a journey. You have now established a strong mindfulness base and with continued practice, you will regain control of your thinking, emotions, and your life. Situations that once frustrated you will no longer seem important. You will be able to savor life’s precious moments and be peaceful in almost any situation. Mindfulness will also help you face obstacles and challenges without becoming overwhelmed. By staying mindful through all situations, good, bad, and indifferent, you are able to remain centered and calm no matter what is happening in your world. Others will notice the change as well. Family and friends appreciate the undivided attention and you may also encourage others to be more present-focused. The calm energy you give off will become contagious, affecting everyone you come in contact with. You will also find you get far more accomplished. A lot of time is wasted on indecisiveness. Mindfulness creates a clear mental environment that facilitates ease of decision-making. Also, by only focusing on one task at a time, you will accomplish tasks quicker and more efficiently. Trust the mindful process. Know it takes practice and your ingrained habits and thinking patterns will try to coerce you back into old, comfortable patterns. With effort, practice, and commitment, you will begin to live the blissful life we all desire. If you need to take a few moments in your day to re-plan, that’s okay. Just be sure to engage in every present moment fully instead of thinking about what is next. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: