MM 35 Meditation: Black Balloon Clearing Meditation (Paired with Binaural Beats)

Mindful Mondays Podcast show

Summary: Taken from The Mindset Makeover 10-Day Challenge: This meditation will help you clear your subconscious blocks that prevent love, success, happiness, and prosperity in your life. Caution – Please read (More info below description): If you meet any of the following conditions whether knowingly or not should not use this product without first consulting with a physician (this is due to isochronic tones): Epileptics Pregnant women Individuals prone to seizures Individuals under the influence of medication or drugs Inner Bliss Binaural Beats (For best results please wear headphones) About this session: Base Frequency: 136.1Hz 136.1 Sun: light, warmth, joy, animus; Resonates with the earth year (Note=C#) (Color=Turqouise Green) (Effects=calming, meditative, relaxing, centering) – Period it takes earth to revolve around sun (Tempo=63.8*127.6) (Chakra=Anahate/Heart chakra)(Effects=relaxing, soothing, balancing, harmony with the cosmos, associated with the soul {“frequency of the soul}) (Medicinal=Sedative) (Other=significant tone in Indian music {called it the “sadja” or “father to others” – it was a keynote} – corresponds to “OM” & the Christian “AMEN”) Tones Used: 0.9Hz- Euphoric 10.5Hz- Frequency for healing of body, mind/body unity, firewalking potent stabilizer & stimulating for the immunity, valuable in convalescence. Relaxed alertness, contemplation, body healing, mind over matter Lowering Blood Pressure; Associated with Heart/Anahata chakra (Color=Green) (Body Parts=Thymus, Heart, Blood, Circulatory System) (Effects=Love of Life, love of self & others) (Note=F) 2.5Hz- pain relief, relaxation; production of endogenous opiates; Use for sedative effect; Sedative effect – reported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, and sinusitis. Also may be associated with sexual arousal. 1.0Hz- Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone; overall view of inter-relationships; harmony & balance 38.0Hz- Associated with endorphin release (All rights purchased from Free Binaural For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: