The Name Doesn’t Matter Episode #13: New Overwatch Hero, Nostalgia, Super Date Simulator 9000, and Metal Gear… Survive!

The Name Doesn't Matter show

Summary: <p>So on this adventure into the minds of the madness the two talk about the (lovely?) new Overwatch Hero, well Tanner does. (He really loves that game.) JJ takes Tanner down the rabbit hole with Metal Gear Survive and all the great business discions Konami made with their last good major franchise. (Don't worry it's a Pachinco machine so the spirit of Big Boss will live forever.) JJ takes us back in time to dicuss different aspects and talks about his favorite rental store which is still open and going strong. JJ also talks about how a man descends down his own masculinity to prove that he can launch a spirous DMCA strike! (Some people never learn...) Hey guys let's tax M rated games! Yeah?... No?.... Oh no.....</p>