Episode 5: Failures, failures and more failures; it’s not the end of the world

Letters to my kids: A suicide survivor's lessons and advise for life show

Summary: <br> Failures, failures and more failures; it's not the end of the world<br> "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill-<br> - When we do things; it either works or it doesn't. Similar to turning on-off the lights, it should be regarded as one of 2 possibilities. In that sense; failure gets a bad reputation as a one-time-shot and done, but really; it's part of everyday challenges. <br> - In fact, failure is life’s great teacher; it’s nature’s chisel that chips away at all the excess, stripping down egos as it molds and shapes us through divine intentions.<br> - All of us started off wanting to change the world. As young adults, we were all confident and a fair 'bit naive at the thought of doing what other people couldn't or can't. Like we were somehow special or better than our predecessors and the people who came before us. <br> - Now some of us would be able to weather the challenges. These would be the tests to the conviction of our beliefs. Others would stumble. Most of us would compromise; and adjust our expectations and ourselves accordingly. Just as those whom came before us did. <br> - When a baby is first learning to walk, she’s going to fall down many times. This, in fact, is failure. <br> - Talk about some failures in life. Now some of these turned into failures, but what was learnt? At the end of the day, after all the money has been spent, every challenge has an outcome; it will be yourself whom would be the recipient of all the lessons. But what good are lessons if it is not heeded/learnt from? <br> - Failures help us see the relevance of our decisions. And to see things from a different perspective. A failure simply means that the approach used wasn't good enough; or the chosen outcome is not what is perceived. <br> - To that end, if we apply it correctly; a failure is simply part of a process of eliminating outcomes. If there is an endpoint; and the endpoint is worth it, then in theory, eliminating the other projected outcomes would eventually yield success. <br> - More so from the failures though; is that we understand and accept that it's OK to fail in life. That none of us truly know the path that we have chosen to undertake, despite our best intentions. <br> - So what can we learn from failures? That as soon as we accept that for all our confidence, we are not unique; nor are we special, we learn that it is far easier to succeed when you apply a collective knowledge based on the lessons learnt from others, and we would be able to grow much faster than on our reliance on ourselves alone.<br>