Gavin Wade: CloudSpot - Building a Discipline of Learning

The Creative Leap show

Summary: 4 months into dating his future wife, Gavin Wade decided to pour all his savings into starting a photography business with her, despite the fact that neither of them had any experience in photography at all. What could go wrong? Well, apparently not much. They would go on to create an award-winning photography business, before Gavin would decide to launch his own tech company, CloudSpot: a gallery service for photographers and creatives. Gavin was new the to tech startup world when he launched CloudSpot, relying on his skill as a photographer to inform a product that he knew people like him needed. The thing is, like every leap he has taken, Gavin has never wavered in his commitment to learning. It was tireless and dedicated learning that allowed him to pick up a camera and build an award winning business. Learning that has anchored a healthy marriage, even in business partnership. And learning that reminds him that no matter how big his company grows, there is always something to learn from those who you are serving. I’m so excited to share this talk on creativity, learning and risk-taking. Gavin shows us why as long as we’re committed to pursuing knowledge, we’ll always find a way to carry on.