Seth Maxwell - Thirst Project: Ending The Global Water Crisis

The Creative Leap show

Summary: At the age of 19, Seth Maxwell would learn that hundreds of millions of people lack access to clean drinking water around the world. That waterborne diseases kill more children every single year than AIDS, Malaria, and all world violence combined. That women and children spend on average six to eight hours each day walking to fetch water. Determined to end the global water crisis, Seth started handing out water bottles on streets, going to schools, and talking to anyone would listen. It was the start of what he would call the Thirst Project. Today, Thirst Project has mobilized over 330,000 students, raised millions of dollars to fund clean water operations and has saved hundreds of thousands of lives around the world. Among many accomplishments, Seth was named to Forbes 30 Under 30 list of social entrepreneurs, has been a TED talker speaker, representative of several U.S. State Department groups, and has spoken with multiple U.S. presidents and world leaders. Seth’s creative leap has empowered thousands of others, to take their own. He has helped a generation of students and difference makers believe that they have everything they need to make a difference, right where they are.