Bermel, Prokofiev and Strauss -Program Notes

BSO 2018/19 Season - Concert Previews show

Summary: In the first collaboration between two of classical music's most prominent artists, BSO Music Director Andris Nelsons and Greek violinist Leonidas Kavakos come together November 30-December 2 for Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 2, a melodious later work with audible influences from Russian and Spanish folk music. Maestro Nelsons also continues his exploration of the music of Richard Strauss, closing the program with the vivid tone poem An Alpine Symphony. The program begins with Derek Bermel's 2006 Elixir, which the American composer describes as "a spectral love potion" and which calls on the distinctive and haunting theremin, one of the earliest electronic instruments. This is one of several works by younger American composers being presented during the BSO's 2017-18 season.