Episode 013: The Best Yet

misadventures in knitting show

Summary: Today's topics include: The Knitters Book Club Knit Along Hot Off the Needles What we are Working on Product Review Time! 2018 Resolution Update Today's stash  hiding space was shared by ContentedReader on Ravelry.  Thank you very much for contributing to the show! Listeners, please let us know where you "hide" your stash by visiting the Misadventures in Knitting Ravelry Group.  There you will find a thread called, "where do you hide your stash?"  Share your story and you may be featured on an upcoming episode. Thank you to everyone who joined our Ravelry Group.  We are pleased to announce we now have over 100 members.  Please introduce yourselves and stay tuned for a prize drawing in the near future. Speaking of our Ravelry Group, the Misadventures in Knitting Podcast is currently hosting the Knitters Book Club.  Over the course of the next three months, we will read  A Stash of One's Own by Clara Parkes and knit a project designed by a contributor.  Google Hang Outs will take place on the final Friday evening of each month through March.  This will give us a chance to chat "face to face" like a real book club.  Links and more detailed information is available in the Ravelry group.  Use #KnittersBookClubKAL when sharing photos on social media! Hot Off the Needles Ashley finished the Land of Sweets Cowl by Helen Stewart.  She used a Nox Yarn advent collection.  Ashley also finished a baby bunting for a customer. Tara finished Angel in My Tiny Pocket by Melissa Kemmerer.  She knit the size 6 and used Jill Draper Esopus fingering, which is sadly discontinued. Tara finished the Smooth Operator Socks by Susan B. Anderson.  She used Gynx yarn in the Gingerbread House colorway, as well as Coop Knits Socks Yeah! for the cuff, heels, and toes. What We Are Working On: Tara is using Abstract Fibers Sock to create the Heart Socks by Susan B. Anderson for Valentine's Day.  She is following the lace directions for the hearts (which are free!) and the How I Make My Socks Pattern by Susan B. Anderson (which is also free!) Tara is working on the Magic Toadstool Socks by Stone Knits. Ashley is working on River Knits Year Long Afghan for a class taught at Woolworks.  The pattern is by Amanda Gill and available on Ravelry.  The blanket is made up of ten unique squares and Ashley is using Shepherd's Worsted by Stonehenge Mills. Ashley casted on the Lars Rains Modern Icelandic Sweater available in the 2018 Winter Issue of Vogue Knitting.  She is using Blue Sky Fibers Woolstok.  This sweater project is part of the Thursday night Knit Alongs hosted by Woolworks in Baltimore, MD. Finally, Ashley started the Squircle socks by General Hogbuffer using Claudia's Handpainted Addiction yarn. Product Review Time! Ashley and Tara review Addi Flexi Flips.  These needles are advertised as an alternative to using DPNs, Magic Loop or two circular needles for knitting small circumferences in the round, for example: socks or sleeves.  Since their release, these needles have been wildly popular and are worth a try. Ashley's thoughts: It's great that Addi provides a video for successful use! Casting-on with these needles was challenging, but it is also difficult to cast on with DPNs or Magic Loop. Flexi-Flips may work well for movie-theatre knitting. I like the Rocket Tip (sharp point) on the Flexi-Flips. My normal "go-to" for sock knitting are wooden DPNs. Tara's thoughts: So excited to try these out! Found the needles difficult to use. Maybe the cord in the middle could be longer? I prefer Magic Loop over these needles. Maybe I should give these a second try. A nice feature is that it has a blunt and pointy tip. 2018 Resolution Update Ashley updates us on her sewing and Tara talks about not-buying-yarn.