Dueling Dialogues show

Summary: On today’s show: Manafort and Russian Collusion 01:15 Connor’s much different take on the Senate Judiciary Committee Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee on the Russian Ad Collusion during the election. Facebook, Twitter and Google were represented and questioned. Main stream media had a much different take. 02:30 Basic knowledge of social media and internet was largely missing. Internet is global with no borders, and some of the questions did not really apply. 03:35 Is the FCC going to step in? 03:50 Kennedy praised but he was in his own Lalaland and bullied the lawyers with questions that could not be answered in the confines he wanted. Kennedy was nothing but a showboat and didn’t know what he was talking about. 05:00 Internet is built on anonymity. 05:50 Facebook stock is down today as they announce having to hire 10,000 people ‘readers’. 06:40 Sasse, Klobuchar and Ted Cruz did well, seemed to know technology. Content examples were always bashing Clinton, or pro Trump only. Cruz gets crucified by media for straying from the focus, but instead presented a tally of positives/negative posts that suggest the media giants use their platforms by throttling traffic to support their own political agendas. Cruz tallies show Bernie Sanders with most positive comments, followed closely behind by Hillary, with Trump behind with less than a half of the number of positive posts of either Clinton or Sanders. 08:25 Twitter lawyer presents data on an example ad, telling voters they can vote via text. Twitter data showed that the one post had 8 times the replies calling out the post as fake content. Who really got the bigger exposure? They also pressured Twitter to answer how many people called the number, but Twitter had nothing to do with that phone number, so the question could not be answered, yet the bullying over how many people called this number continued. 10:15 These 37,000 Twitter accounts and 3,000 Facebook ads did not change the election or sway any voters according to Connor’s estimates. 11:10 Americans are known to meddle in other country’s elections. So this seems very hypocritical 12:35 Uranium One is the real crime. The latest is just the fall guys and it’s very obvious they are going after Trump. 13:40 Paul Manafort seems guilty as sin. Mueller unseals more documents. Manafort was deeply involved with ties in the Russian mafia. 15:00 Brooklyn neighbourhood blogger broke the story on Manafort, due to slum property he owned. Manafort had 3 passports. 17:25 Trump’s Tax cut information deciphered by Grace. Listen to hear Grace’s breakdowns. 20:45 Sinclair TV changes mind on hiring Bill O’Reilly 20:55 Colorado Walmart shooting, 2 dead, 1 injured. 21:07 Tesla is hurting for money. Is it due to the admission of mental challenges? 21:55 The Bank of England raises interest rates for first time in a decade. 22:00 Time Warner stock trading halted due to a DOJ investigation into anti-trust allegation. 22:20 Trump to announce Jerome Powell to replace Janet Yellin. 22:30 JTA says Trump no longer trusts advice from Kushner 22:55 Sexual Harassment update: Filmmaker Brett Ratner accused by 6 women. Ratner’s last films were Rush Hour, X-Men the Last Stand. 22:25 Dustin Hoffman accused by producer Wendy Riss Gatsiounis, second accuser Anna Graham Hunter also steps forward. 23:50 Kevin Spacey hit on a 14 year old boy at a party 30 years ago. 24:05 Jeremy Piven accused by Ariania Bellamer. 24:45 Opening of Chicago based Obama Foundation, Michelle Obama lashes out at men. They are entitled and self righteous. Women are responsible, as in enablers. Obama said him and Michele will no longer do selfies. 25:15 Obama will be public, not presidential. What are they hiding for documents? Another false flag possibly? 25:40 NYC Halloween terrorist gets his request denied for an ISIS flag for his cell. 25:50 Trump announces a return to ‘Made in American’ 26:15 Walmart to boost sales with holiday parties. 26:55 Houston Astros wi