Winn Claybaugh: Company Culture Begins with You

Redefining Wealth with Patrice Washington show

Summary: “Anytime there is a problem in an organization, it’s because relationships broke down.” - Winn Claybaugh People want to work with people who give back. It’s true. In fact, 85% of consumers will choose a to spend money with a company that is committed to giving back to its communities. It’s never too late to start giving, but it’s also never too early. If you are looking to build a business the sooner you find a way to align yourself with the community, the quicker your success will be. Not only will people want to buy from you, but people will also want to work with you. That brings us to the next point. Being a good leader is also about making sure the people around you are happy. You need to come in to work in a great mood, and everyone else on your team can thrive knowing they're supported. Give people around you permission to be friendly and social. There’s no reason for things to be stiff and awkward. Lastly know that when there is a problem that means there’s a relationship problem. People aren’t happy and they aren’t communicating properly. So instead of screaming at people, and barking orders, take the time to fix their inner problems. That’s all anyone really wants, to be respected as human beings with feelings. On this episode of Redefining Wealth we bring you a living legend in business. Winn Claybaugh is the Co-Founder, Co-Owner, and Dean of Paul Mitchell The School. Winn is widely recognized as a leader in his industry. In 2004, the North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA) named him to their Hall of Leaders for his outstanding contributions to the hair and beauty industry. American Salon magazine called him a mover of mountains and Mr. Fix-it in their November 1997 Super Heroes section. A tireless and enthusiastic volunteer, Winn has served as vice president of the AIDS Relief Fund for Beauty Professionals, and he has been involved in other fundraising projects for City of Hope and Leeza Gibbons'. In the past three years, Winn and the Paul Mitchell Schools have raised over $1 million for multiple charitable organizations, including the American Cancer Society, the Larry King Cardiac Foundation, Leeza's Place, Katrina relief, AIDS causes, City of Hope, and more. Download this episode of Redefining Wealth to learn exactly how to create a company culture that will skyrocket your business. “Always be in a great mood. Fake it when necessary.” - Winn Claybaugh The Cliff Notes: Don’t compare yourself to your competitors. Follow your own heart. Create a space where people just want to be there. You don’t have to train people to hug, you just have to give them permission. There are myths that you have to be mean to your employees. Be nice to yourself first. Think about your needs, not just everyone else’s. Make sure your walks lines up with your talk. How you live your life is what should be sending your message. Choose the people in your life slow. And employee who won’t do something means there is an attitude problem. An employee that can’t do something means there is training needed. People don’t run your company, systems run your company. Write things down so they know what’s expected of them. The purpose of a meeting should be to communicate and connect as a team. Be attracted to people who are famous and successful for the right reasons. If you can’t apply what you’ve been learning, it means nothing. Don’t sit on information, immediately put it into action. Progress beats perfection. Faith gives you hope. 85% of consumers will choose a to spend money with a company that is committed to giving back to its communities. People want to work for a company that is globally aware. “I just say yes and figure it out later.” - Winn Claybaugh