SSP 92. Diet Mentality Insanity vs The Science of Metabolism

The Smarter Sculpted Physique: Training | Nutrition | Muscle Gain | Fat Loss show

Summary: ---------------------------------------------------------<br> ♦ Diet Mentality Insanity vs the Science of Metabolism ♦<br> ---------------------------------------------------------<br> <br> Most diets are marketed to sell products—books, supplements, meal plans—but are rarely based on how the body really works. Scott references a UCLA Newsroom interview with UCLA psychologists, Traci Mann and Janet Tomiyama, where they discuss their research "Dieting Does Not Work" into dieting and rebound weight gain.<br><br> <br> Find this episode's referenced books and programs below at the LINKS &amp; RESOURCES section and make sure to check Scott's e-Book Library for more topics and courses:<br><br> <br> <br> ♦ "If dieting doesn't work, then what does?" ♦<br> <br> • Researchers analyzed 31 dieting studies, not specific diets. They found dieters typically lose 5 to 10 percent of their starting weight in the first six months, but at least one-to-two-thirds regain more weight than they lost within the next four to five years… the actual number may be even higher.<br> <br> • Almost all Before and After pictures show the dieter too soon in the “After” picture. Accurate Before and After photos shows the person Before and then years “After”, not Before and "During" pictures.<br> <br> • Diet studies are often biased. According to Mann: “Although the findings reported give a bleak picture of the effectiveness of diets, there are reasons why the actual effectiveness of diets is even worse.”<br> <br> • Dieting is actually a reliable predictor of future weight gain; the downsides of dieting far outweigh its risks.<br> <br> • Evidence shows that dieting and rebound weight gain are linked to cardiovascular disease and other illnesses.<br> <br> • Scott clears out the common question: "Isn’t the Cycle Diet just another diet?" No, the Cycle Diet is an eating strategy that supports a healthy metabolism, and adds joy back into eating.<br> <br> • Do you think that you may have food and eating issues (or know that you do)? Download free content here to get you on the path toward permanent weight loss:<br> <br> <br> -----------------------<br> LINKS &amp; RESOURCES<br> -----------------------<br> <br> UCLA Newsroom Report:<br><br> <br> Answer this questionnaire and get free Tips and Exercises:<br><br> <br> <br> • Scott’s Featured e-Books:<br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br> <br> • Follow Coach Scott Abel:<br> <br> Main Website<br><br> <br> Facebook<br><br> <br> YouTube<br><br> <br> <br> • Courses and Programs:<br> <br> The Cycle Diet Program<br><br> <br> The Hardgainer Solution Program<br><br> <br> Great Glutes Circuit Protocol<br><br> <br> The Busy Woman’s Tighten and Tone At Home Program<br>