SSP 98. I've Gone Vegan, You Haven't, and This Is Why That's Fine

The Smarter Sculpted Physique: Training | Nutrition | Muscle Gain | Fat Loss show

Summary: --------------------------------------<br> ♦ I've Gone Vegan, You Haven't, and This Is Why That's Fine ♦<br> --------------------------------------<br> <br> The Coach presents reams of research supporting the health benefits of a plant-based diet and shares his own adoption of a completely plant-based eating strategy.<br> <br> ♦ Diet labels/memberships shouldn't define who people are. A diet is a lifestyle ♦<br> <br> • Diets with labels are used to create tribalism with strict rules to follow.<br> <br> • Diet lifestyle shouldn’t be a religion; nor should it define a person.<br> <br> • Scott declares that he’s “Breaking Vegan,” meaning he’s eating a generally vegan diet, such as substituting black beans for chicken in one of his regular meals.<br> <br> • His goal is not being lean or getting leaner -time will tell if he indeed does get leaner-, but his goal with this recent switch is rather to be as healthy as possible.<br> <br> • He’s not necessarily suggesting his clients switch to his eating strategy.<br> <br> • Public health organizations' position papers support vegetarian diets as healthy, as well as vegan, adding that B12 supplementation is needed for vegan diets.<br> <br> • Plant-based diets help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, certain forms of cancer, obesity, and diabetes, among other diseases.<br> <br> • Scott’s not ruling out eating eggs, meat or fish on cheat days. For right now, he’s content to stay with plant-based.<br> <br> • By coincidence, Scott’s mentee, fitness model Andy Sinclair, has also “gone vegan.”<br> <br> • Vegetarian diets are also economical. Andy shared that his grocery bill has gone down; he buys chick peas for $.88 CAD.<br> <br> [Reference]<br> <br> Melina, V. “Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets.” J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016 Dec;116(12):1970-1980. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2016.09.025.<br><br> <br> **Think you or someone you know may be using a diet “label” to cover up a food or eating problem? Check out the free resources at:<br><br> <br> --------------------------------<br> Follow Coach Scott Abel Now<br> --------------------------------<br> Main Website<br><br> <br> Facebook<br><br> <br> YouTube<br><br> <br> Instagram<br><br> <br> Twitter<br>