Episode 9: Purim and #metoo

Hashivenu show

Summary: <p>The Book of Esther contains striking examples of women speaking out against oppression in ways that both empower and imperil them. Are there parallels to the #metoo movement? Join Judith Rosenbaum, Executive Director of the Jewish Women’s Archive, in a wide-ranging discussion with Rabbi Deborah Waxman on resilient responses to trying times. </p> <p><a href="http://subscribebyemail.com/hashivenu.fireside.fm/rss" title="Subscribe by Email">Subscribe by Email</a></p> <hr> <p>This podcast is produced by Reconstructing Judaism. Visit us at <a href="https://ReconstructingJudaism.org" rel="nofollow">ReconstructingJudaism.org</a>.</p><p>Special Guest: Judith Rosenbaum.</p><p><a rel="payment" href="https://www.reconstructingjudaism.org/donate">Support Hashivenu</a></p><p>Links:</p><ul> <li> <a title="Archiving #MeToo | Jewish Women's Archive" rel="nofollow" href="https://jwa.org/metoo">Archiving #MeToo | Jewish Women's Archive</a> — Jewish women have #MeToo stories to tell, and we invite you to share yours. </li> <li> <a title="Can We Talk? The JWA Podcast " rel="nofollow" href="https://jwa.org/podcasts/canwetalk">Can We Talk? The JWA Podcast </a> — Each month on Can We Talk?, JWA's podcast team brings you stories and conversations about Jewish women and the issues that shape our public and private lives.</li> <li> <a title="Queen Esther and Bella Abzug: Costumes, Leadership, and Identity | Jewish Women's Archive" rel="nofollow" href="https://jwa.org/teach/golearn/feb07">Queen Esther and Bella Abzug: Costumes, Leadership, and Identity | Jewish Women's Archive</a> — On Purim we dress in costume to create a new persona. We delight in unexpected images. We poke holes in the humdrum everyday roles of men and women, rich and poor, young and old. Our assumptions about people shift, and thus, the holiday transforms us. People often choose different costumes and personas as a strategic tool to help them stand up against injustice. In this Go &amp; Learn guide we will focus on two remarkable Jewish women: The biblical figure, Esther, and the historical figure, Bella Abzug. Both women fought for justice and liberation, adopting personas that helped them to achieve their goals. In our featured document, Bella Abzug tells us how she decided to wear distinctive hats and gloves as a strategy for overcoming the disregard she experienced as a young female attorney fighting for justice.</li> <li> <a title="She Said No! | Reconstructing Judaism" rel="nofollow" href="https://www.reconstructingjudaism.org/music/she-said-no">She Said No! | Reconstructing Judaism</a> — This song by MIRAJ recounts Vashti's heroism during the Purim story.</li> <li> <a title="10 Resources for #MeToo and a Feminist Purim" rel="nofollow" href="https://ritualwell.org/list/10-resources-metoo-and-feminist-purim">10 Resources for #MeToo and a Feminist Purim</a> — In Episode 9 of Hashivenu we learn about the importance of lifting up women's voices as part of the #metoo movement, in the context of the story of Purim. Below are 10 resources to honor women's voices recommended by Ritualwell. </li> </ul>