Summary: I am so overjoyed and blessed to walk this great path with you. Thank you for being here. I hope you are a having a life-changing 2018 thus far in all of the good life-changing ways even if you can't see where this change is leading to yet. We have been in such powerful energies already this year as we are stepping in to this realignment with our oneness and self-mastery - the gifts of our present 11 year. The upcoming total lunar eclipse has been divinely designed to really get this year going and to be a catalyst - a push if you will to a new path that is in even higher resonance with our soul. Even though it doesn't occur until the blue moon (the second full moon in 1 month) on 1/31, I've been feeling it's effects since mid-january and I'm sure you might be on some level too, whether consciously or unconsciously. Eclipse windows are powerful jolts of transformation. They are times of upheaval, resurrection, immense cleansing, purging and like I said before re-alignment with your highest potentials, worth and blueprint. But eclipse windows in years such as this one which is focused on deep inner work, oneness, and the heart - carry more of a specific cleansing - emotions, emotions from the past, heartache, shadows (especially tied to the second full moon of the month) and removing any sort of blocks that are keeping us from existing in our purest state - love. It's also beautiful to recognize the Divine Feminine energy of emotions and what a gift it is to allow the flow of tears, of release and to simply just let ourselves feel - feel all of it. That if we can stand by and watch our emotions like a flowing river that our feelings and emotions are just simply in movement, washing their way through us and then on out of us and transmuting to light. But if we choose resistance - if we chose anger, fear or a lack of understanding as this information arises we will create dams that block their flow and cause internal suffering for postponing our own healing and lack of nurturing and love for our selves. These times may have you feeling a bit more overwhelmed as a lot of this said information is coming up for release to flow on through you. You may be feeling incredibly emotional - this is truly how the heart opens - by releasing the flow of things which are blocking your most unconditional love :) Your dream state may be extra active, triggers from your past may be coming up. This time almost has a sense of looking backwards or reflecting on the past, but not to have you move backwards or feel immense sadness even though you might - and that's perfectly perfect and ok as long as you don't unpack and live there, but to become empowered by the things that you have overcome. To see the blessings that came from the lessons you endured. To realize the strength you gained from the pain. To have gratitude, not regret or remorse or victim-hood. To find the ways to accept what was, let it go, and walk forward in peace. To no longer be tied or shackled to those things which were only there to gift you more love, but you just couldn't see that then. As we are able to walk forward with forgiveness, we then open up more room in us for love.