Burnout Paradise Is Back - Kinda Funny Games Daily 02.20.18

Kinda Funny Games Daily show

Summary: Tim and Greg answer your Burnout Paradise Remastered questions, mourn a PS4, and more. 00:02:49 - Housekeeping Dice Awards Thursday PSVR Show Thursday: Super Hot and Sprint Vector Go support Jared: https://www.patreon.com/jaredpetty The Roper Report - 00:04:30 - Burnout Paradise Remastered is fucking real, via IGN 00:17:09 - H1Z1 Got its ass kicked by PUBG/Fortnite, via Githyp 00:21:32 - Doom Adds Motion Controls 00:23:15 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:38:27 - New artstyle for 2D Mario - Raul from Chicago 00:42:20 - A funeral for a console - Ethan from Chicago 00:45:05 - With yesterday’s announcement of the Mega Man Legacy Collection games coming to Switch plus the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection coming to Switch as well, what does this mean for Virtual Console? - Penks 00:48:32 - How well do you think Moss will sell? - Initial_D 00:52:05 - I picked up Bayonetta 1 and 2 on Switch - Patrick 00:55:30 - Squad Up: Matt(Xbox One) - TheDurgenborn 00:56:11 - Fuck this trophy! - Xolgren 00:57:36- You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host:Whitta Wednesday