Smash Bros. Switch Rumors - Kinda Funny Games Daily 02.21.18

Kinda Funny Games Daily show

Summary: Tim and Gary discuss Smash Bros rumors, PUBG's development setback, a Call of Duty shake-up, and more! 00:07:40 - Housekeeping Dice Awards Thursday, we’re hosting on Twitch PSVR Show Thursday: Super Hot on YT and Sprint Vector on Patreon Our Sponsor this week is The Roper Report - 00:12:05 - Smash Bros switch rumors? 00:22:03 - PUBG Development Delayed to Deal with Cheats, via Polygon 00:27:25 - Call of Duty: WWII Directors Leave The Studio They Founded, via Kotaku 00:33:13 - Burnout Microtransaction Mistake, via Ben Walke from EA on Twitter 00:32:25 - How Far Behind is Payday 2 on Switch?, via Polygon 00:38:15 - Sonic the Hedgehog Movie News, via the Hollywood Reporter 00:43:20 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:46:30 - Do you think it is always the issue of the marketing team or are there other aspects (allegations, faulty demos, etc) that doom the team from ever being successful? - Kaitlin 01:04:39 - Are gonna jump on the Shovel Knight: King of Cards campaign? - JBR 01:06:54 - Squad Up: Mike Hazelberg(Switch) - SW-4377-2600-5034 and help Gary’s wife, Leah, on Animal Crossing New Leaf (DS) - 0146-9445-9961 01:09:35 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Tim and Jared Motherfucking Petty