TiS 02/18/18 – Guardians Gala, Mass Citadel Destruction, T0rfifrans Departure

Talking in Stations show

Summary: <p>Killah Bee (NC.) and Tuzy (GSF) join the TIS crew to talk about Pandemic Horde’s move to Geminate and Triumverate’s withdrawal from Insmother. Structures 2.0 leads to the mass destruction of citadels in wormhole-space, while players from all security sectors try the Guardian’s Gala event. Find out who CCP T0rfifrans was and why he left CCP after 19 years. Finally, TIS introduces their official website.</p> <p> <a href="https://www.talkinginstations.com/2018/02/tis-02-18-18-guardians-gala-mass-citadel-destruction-t0rfifrans-departure/#more-408" class="more-link"><span>(more…)</span></a></p>