009 - Being an extroverted HSP - with Katie McCray

Sensitive Podcast show

Summary: Katie needs to be around people. She even goes to the supermarket in the hope that she can catch up with a friend or two when she's out and about! Anita and Cecilia (both introverts) struggle with this concept, and want to find out more... Katie was creative and expressive, but struggled at school. She struggled to "fit into a box" at school, and didn't feel at all comfortable. Her development of her identity was challenged, and now reflects upon the strategies and resilience that she has developed over a long period of time to have now become a very social, high energy, extroverted HSP. She is not loud or uninhibited, but needs to be around other people to feel comfortable. She'd even prefer to quietly read a book around a group, than by herself. This challenges Anita and Cecilia and their understanding of the concept, and makes for a fascinating conversation, with of all kinds of "lightbulb moments" reflecting on relationships within their own families. Does any of this relate to you? We'd love to hear from you! http://sensitivepodcast.weebly.com/