Climbing The Pocket: Episode 66 [What A Time To Be Alive]

Climbing The Pocket show

Summary: <p>In this Episode:</p><br> <p>Introduction</p><br> <p>Question of the Day</p><br> <p>The Offseason is Now</p><br> <ul> <li>Alex Smith Trade</li> <br> <li>Alex Smith vs Kirk Cousins vs Tyrod - Tale of the Tape</li> <br> </ul><p><img title="" src="" alt="" width="624" height="154"></p><br> <ul> <li>A New Dawn: Kirk Cousins in Purple?</li> <br> <li>Super Bowl atmosphere in Minnesota</li> <br> <li>Super Bowl matchup<br> <ul> <li>Warren Sharp’s <a href="">take</a> </li> <br> </ul> </li> <br> <li>Bold Prediction/Score Prediction</li> <br> <li>Pancakes or Waffles?</li> <br> </ul><p>Upcoming Projects</p>