Our Secret Weapon for Online Business Success

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: Live events are our secret weapon!<br> We’ve made it this far because of the conscious effort we put into the choices we make.  <br> Some choices have bigger impacts on your life and business than others.<br> <br> Today we’ll share with you our secret weapons for online success. <br> <br> This is the single choice we made that helped us grow exponentially as husband and wife, as business partners and as entrepreneurs in general.  <br> What's our secret weapon?<br> <br> Choosing to invest in ourselves and attend live events!<br> <br> Attending live events has been the single biggest game changer in our online business.  <br> <br> There’s something about going to a live event that takes everything in your business to the next level.<br> <br> Being surrounded by entrepreneurs of every level is a huge opportunity far too good to pass up. <br> <br> WHY? Everyone who goes to a live event is serious about their business. No one is messing around. Everyone is there to work and make the right connections that will help transform their business in the future.<br> <br> We would not be where we are today, if we had not gone to those live events early in our journey. <br> <br> The revelations you get by meeting the mind (or minds) behind the content, behind the business, will blow you away!<br> [Tweet "Attending live events has been the single biggest difference maker in our online business." - Jocelyn"]<br> <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Perks-of-Attending-LIVE-Events.png"></a><br> <br> Now that we got your attention with the perks, here are some tips and tricks to get you LIVE event ready!<br> How to Choose The Right Event For You AND Get The Most Out of It:<br> <br> * “WHO IS LEADING THE GROUP?”<br> <br> You should trust the person leading you to your next step. Make sure you do your research and learn about who is hosting the event, what they value, the purpose of the event and if they have the content you need to start or grow your online business.<br> <br> * “WHO IS GOING?”<br> <br> Take time to consider the size of the event. A smaller event gives a more personalized experience that lets you connect with others on a deeper level. <br> <br> There’s less clutter, less noise, less competition for everyone’s attention, so the opportunity to build relationships with your fellow entrepreneurs is greater. This also makes asking your questions and finding the right answers even easier.<br> <br> Remember: You’re not there just for the content. Go connect, build and strengthen relationships with your fellow participants, doing so will make a huge difference to your business in the future.<br> <br> * “WHAT ARE YOUR PRIORITIES VS THE REWARDS?”<br> <br> Invest in yourself and your business. We know how difficult it is for people to do this, but you must work on making a commitment to believe and invest in yourself and your business because the rewards are going to be bigger when you do. <br> <br> Overcome challenges and remove obstacles. Being a parent makes this even more complicated since there’s going to be some guilt sinking in, “What will happen to the kids while I’m away?” But what if by attending this live event, your business takes off and in turn, it significantly makes your family’s life better, would you now be willing to invest time, effort and money?<br> <br> You have to be ready to do whatever it takes to get to the next level and make that a priority. <br> <br> Are you investing your time, money and energy in a way that saves, frees up and generate you MORE time, money and energy? <br> <br> If the answer to the question above is “YES!” then you’re already part of the 10% who’s setting themselves up for success. <br> <br> If your answer is, “No,” then there’s no better time than the present to START making the changes needed to create a...