FL 180 – How to use Facebook Live and YouTube Live to grow your online business

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/podcast180/"></a><br> Doing Facebook and YouTube LIVE broadcasts really help grow your online business!<br> Yes, you heard it right.<br> <br> So in this week’s episode, we’re going to share our insight on live video content and how it can exponentially boost your audience’s awareness of your brand.<br> <br> Recently, we've been doing several live events online, like Q&amp;As and AMAs (ask-me-anything); we were testing this digital marketing strategy to see how it affects our brand and numbers.<br> <br> The results took us by surprise! <br> <br> There was a massive boost in our online followers, conversion rates and sales shortly after we’ve done live content.<br> <br> In a Forbes article, it said that 87% of online marketers are implementing the use of video content to grow their brands. This made us realize just how powerful social media is and how online entrepreneurs can benefit from this kind of content creation.<br> <br> Here’s a summary of what we’ve learned about live video content, advantages and some pro tips to overcome that fear of being in front of the camera.<br> 5 Advantages of using LIVE video content:<br> Easy to create.<br> <br> Live videos are super simple and can often be done on your phone. You don’t need fancy gear to share it online, no need for editing, and just gives you that freedom to do it anytime or anywhere you want.<br> <br> Boosts authority.<br> <br> If you present yourself as an expert, people are going to accept you as an expert. Doing live videos boosts your online authority, because people think you won’t hit “record” if you’re not qualified. <br> <br> Boosts authenticity.<br> <br> A live video allows your audience to relate to you on a deeper level. They get a sneak peek of who you are as a person, what your brand is about, and why you’re doing what you’re doing. Going live shows your audience that successful people are real and they have vulnerabilities too. This makes them eager to know you even more and relate to your story -- which makes them feel that they have a chance of becoming successful too.<br> <br> Engages your audience real time.<br> <br> Live videos notify people who follows your page real time, this gives them the opportunity to jump in and participate. Here, you can establish your credibility as the expert and foster engagement between members of your group. <br> <br> Boosts sales.<br> <br> Build enough curiosity with a good topic and description, and you’ll get a huge sales boost. <br> More live videos = more chances of even more people finding you. Ultimately, when more people see your content, the bigger the chance that they’ll buy something from you.<br> <br> Pro tips:<br> <br> Do what makes you feel comfortable and confident.<br> Use an outline to guide you through the video.<br> Do it as often as you can, until it becomes routine.<br> Get friends to view your live videos for practice.<br> Build curiosity with a good topic and description.<br> Remember that you have the power to kick trolls off of your group.<br> Address the concern, but ignore unnecessary negative comments.<br> <br> <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/podcast180/"></a><br> <br> [Tweet "“Live videos are good for boosting your authority and authenticity.” - Jocelyn"]<br> <br> [Tweet "“Authenticity is why people go to your brand.” - Shane"]<br> You will learn:<br> <br> Advantages of LIVE video content<br> How to overcome spotlight syndrome <br> Coming up with a plan for your LIVE video content<br> Dealing with haters and trolls<br> * Plus so much more!<br> <br> [Tweet "“The more you do it, the easier it gets.” - Jocelyn"]<br> <br> [Tweet "“Repetition removes fear.” - Shane"]<br> Links and resources mentioned in today’s show:<br> <br>