FL185 – We help Debi understand key strategies to successfully launch her online community

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/podcast185/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> When life gets hard, sometimes we tend to blame ourselves too much and end up focusing on everything that has gone wrong.<br> <br> We’d say things like...<br> <br> “I don’t have any skills to succeed.”<br> <br> “Everybody else is moving forward except me, now it’s already too late to catch up.”<br> <br> Well, this podcast is all about overcoming your fears and helping you carve your success online in your own unique way!<br> Your struggles do not define you, and CANNOT stop you as long as you don’t give up.<br> YOU have skills that are vital to your own success, as well as OTHER people’s success.<br> <br> And the only one stopping you from becoming successful is you, doubting your own probability of success!<br> <br> Think about it…<br> <br> We live in Kentucky.<br> <br> People here aren’t as technologically savvy as everyone else.<br> <br> Years ago people didn’t know much about the internet, let alone that you can use it to earn yourself a decent living.<br> <br> WE didn’t know much about it when we started either!<br> <br> Here’s the truth:<br> <br> Everyone’s starting point will be a little different, but anyone who wants a shot at success will have to invest the time and effort it takes to actually make it online.<br> Your effort to move forward will always be met with some sort of resistance (because… PHYSICS!).<br> But despite our success now, we DID struggle to succeed in the beginning just like everybody else.<br> <br> But the biggest factor that led us to success was that we stayed the course and learned from what wasn’t working.<br> <br> We shifted our efforts to creating and improving products and services that would change the lives of so many budding talents in our online membership community.<br> Struggling pushes us to evolve.<br> It is up to us to find the lesson from our struggles, and use that lesson to become even better versions of ourselves in order to bless those around us. <br> <br> Because we’re all here to help those whose lives we touch!<br> <br> Now, our guest this week has been working in the Airline Industry for over 3 decades. She has gone through her share of struggles and harnessed those experiences to be the support she wished she had access to while going through difficult times.<br> <br> Her name is Debi Talbert.<br> <br> And this is her story…<br> <br> <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/podcast185/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> Originally from Florida, Debi moved to Northern Kentucky in 2002 and later went back to Florida in 2011. <br> <br> She’s been married to her husband, Duncan, for 20 years; she has 4 adult children, 5 delightful grandbabies, and 5 granddogs.<br> <br> She has been working as a Flight Attendant for 35 years but has had her retirement plan disappear when her company filed for bankruptcy.<br> RETIREMENT PLAN… GONE.<br> POOF! VANISHED!<br> <br> Although disappointed, Debi went on to start her entrepreneurial journey in order to sustain their current lifestyle, spend more time with her growing family, and finally be free from the bonds of corporate employment.<br> <br> She started out doing multi-level marketing, but her schedule proved to be much too random to sustain such a venture.<br> So she looked for the next best thing: ONLINE BUSINESS.<br> It wouldn’t come as a surprise that she had decided to dive into online business and begin carving out her own internet success story, since she has always been fascinated with computers.<br> <br> She joined the Flip Your Life community, participated in forum conversations, found the support and insight she needed in order to take her next steps.<br> <br> Since starting her blog, she has been able to apply new ideas for her we...