ELL 62: Even For Lefty Haters, Tame Oscars Are Lame Oscars

Lions of Liberty show

Summary: <p>In this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian first reflects on the rare occasion of watching the Oscars with his family in Florida, the politics of awards shows and latest Oscar broadcast ratings. Then, working into some current political coverage, Brian discusses Trump's problems with due process, the new "online sex trafficking bill," a Senate solution to the proxy war in Yemen, and the supposedly private Tor browser being almost totally funded by U.S. government spooks. </p><br> <p><span class="DashboardProfileCard-screenname u-inlineBlock u-dir" dir="ltr"><a class="DashboardProfileCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex u-linkClean js-nav" href="https://twitter.com/BrianMcWilliams"><span class="username u-dir" dir="ltr">@<strong class="u-linkComplex-target">BrianMcWilliams</strong></span></a></span></p><br> <p><a class="ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex js-nav" href="https://twitter.com/LionsofLiberty"><span class="username u-dir" dir="ltr">@<strong class="u-linkComplex-target">LionsofLiberty</strong></span></a></p><br> <p>Show notes at <a href="http://www.lionsofliberty.com/ell62">Lions of Liberty</a></p><br> <p> </p>