ELL 63: Deep Secretary of State and Clinton Goes Slippity Doo-Dah

Lions of Liberty show

Summary: <p>On today's Electric Libertyland, host Brian McWilliams jumps into a torrent of recent news including: Trump's death penalty desires for drug dealers, no collusion says the GOP, a new female CIA takes over leadership of the spooks, an old CIA leader takes over as Secretary of State, plus Hillary Clinton slips down stairs and over her own idiotic viewpoints in India. Bonus: Brian yells about local government in Los Angeles taking away traffic lanes to facilitate "safe" streets that have had the opposite effect.</p><br> <p><span class="DashboardProfileCard-screenname u-inlineBlock u-dir" dir="ltr"><a class="DashboardProfileCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex u-linkClean js-nav" href="https://twitter.com/BrianMcWilliams"><span class="username u-dir" dir="ltr">@<strong class="u-linkComplex-target">BrianMcWilliams</strong></span></a></span></p><br> <p><a class="ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex js-nav" href="https://twitter.com/LionsofLiberty"><span class="username u-dir" dir="ltr">@<strong class="u-linkComplex-target">LionsofLiberty</strong></span></a></p>