Episode 55: Clash of Champions X

What Happened When show

Summary: "You're out! You're no longer a horseman!" were the words spoken on the outset of this show in a perfectly executed angle that could only be ruined by a cataclysmic injury happening on the same show 2 hours later....and it did. Clash of Champions had it all, from Mick Foley's least favorite match against Mil Mascaras, to a young Undertaker as Mark Callous running the ropes like a thoroughbred and showing flashes of what was to become the Phenom. In addition the "mystery" of Doom may finally be solved against one of the greatest tag teams of all time: School Board and Ham Cubes. See everything great and terrible about WCW all in the same show as Tony and Conrad watch along and give you the companion piece you never wanted, but always needed on another hilarious and insightful episode of What Happened When Mondays with Tony Schiavone and Conrad Thompson! "We tried to warn you!"