Early Retirement: It’s Simple, But Not Easy ft Deacon Hayes and Douglas Tsoi

Oh My Dollar! show

Summary: <p>Early Retirement? I always thought that sounds like something only for silent velcro millionaires or tech bros – but it can be achievable without a windfall. We talk about the keys of starting with your values, budgeting, and using frugality to build up an income stream where you don’t have to have a traditional job.</p> <p>We have two folks who are early retired or FIRE’d (Financially Independent/Retired Early) on to share the basics of building an early retirement plan. It’s a long episode, but a good one, I think!</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Resources</strong></span></p> <p>You can get Deacon at Well Kept Wallet’s<a href="http://wellkeptwallet.com/retire/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> “Debt Free <span class="aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="aQJ">in 18 Months</span></span>” course for free</a> if you follow this link. Get his excellent book “You Can Retire Early” if you want to learn more!</p> <p><a href="https://www.pugspdx.com/february-2018-courses/financial-freedom-1.">Douglas Tsoi’s Financial Freedom Course at Portland Underground Grad School</a></p> <p><a href="http://affordanything.com/2012/01/25/income-property/">Paula Pant at Afford Anything’s rental case studies and rental calculations</a></p> <p>My favorite book about financial independence: <a id="amznPsBmLink_7955290" class="amzn_ps_bm_tl" href="http://www.amazon.com/Simple-Path-Wealth-financial-independence/dp/1533667926/ref=as_li_bk_tl/?tag=persontracking-20&amp;linkId=e06a397d53db42468cccb83ee056d88d&amp;linkCode=ktl" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">The Simple Path to Wealth </a><img id="amznPsBmPixel_7955290" style="height: 0px !important; width: 0px !important;" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?source=bk&amp;t=persontracking-20&amp;bm-id=default&amp;l=ktl&amp;linkId=e06a397d53db42468cccb83ee056d88d&amp;_cb=1517235120848" alt="" width="0" height="0" border="0"> (amazon affiliate link)</p>