How to get life insurance when you’ve been hospitalized for mental health (and other listener q’s).

Oh My Dollar! show

Summary: <p>Eva asks if she really has to adult-up and get disability insurance (yes!)</p> <p>Rebecca wants to know if whole life insurance makes sense if someone can’t get term due to mental health hospitalization.</p> <p>Josh wants to know how to cash a savings bond when his credit union won’t take it.<br> <a href="">Here’s the link with info to mail it in.</a></p> <p>And Debbi wants to know if her kids’ 529 plans are properly invested.</p> <p>If you’re ready to get some purrsonal finance merit badge stickers, or pre-order the Get Your Money Together book while it’s still $5, head over to <a href=""></a> to load up your basket with money cat goodies!</p>