Money when Depressed

Oh My Dollar! show

Summary: <p>When you’re depressed, it can be hard to get off the couch, let alone worry about your budget. Lillian shares some tips for handling your personal finances when you’re depressed.</p> <ul> <li>Set things on autopay. Ask a friend (or even me) to sit with you while you get everything on autopay.</li> <li>Don’t focus on on your money (especially things outside of your control) after you get things on autopay. Anxiety over 401Ks.</li> <li>Consider implementing a cash budget in some categories to prevent impulse spending – especially for substances or whatever addictive behavior (food, clothing shopping, nicotine, etc) you fall into when depressed.</li> <li>Spend money on the things you need to recover and take care of yourself – easymac, grocery delivery, therapy, drug co-pays, yoga class – whatever the things you need to get better.</li> </ul> <p>If you are considering hurting yourself, or just need someone to talk to that won’t judge you, you can call the National Suicide Prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255  any time of day and talked to trained, caring folks.</p>