Special Edition: God Talk XI

St. Andrew UMC Podcast show

Summary: <p class="p1">God Talk XI initiates a conversation about the Holy Spirit, the most mysterious part of the Holy Trinity. Three distinguished panelists discuss the Holy Spirit, the aspects of our spiritual formation and how those influence our interaction in the world. The three panelists are:</p><br> <p class="p2">• Dr. Albert Hernandez, Associate Professor of the History of Christianity at The Iliff School of Theology and author of <em>Subversive Fire: The Untold Story of Pentecost</em></p><br> <p class="p2">• Dr. Michele Watkins, the Gerald L. Schlessman Professorship in Methodist Studies and Assistant Professor of Theology at The Iliff School of Theology</p><br> <p class="p1">• Father Scott Jenkins, Creative Director of <em>Celtic Way</em></p>