Rocky Lhotka Builds Windows 8 Tablet Apps for the Enterprise

The Tablet Show show

Summary: Carl and Richard talk to Rocky Lhotka about his experiences building Windows 8 applications. But first the conversation takes a digression with a reader email about the challenges of dealing with the inplace upgrade of .NET 4.0 to 4.5 alongside the migration of Windows XP to Windows 8. Rocky then digs into the projects he's been working on in Windows 8. He compares the jump from .NET 4.0 on Windows 7 to .NET 4.5 on Windows 8 to the jump from Visual Basic 3 on Windows 3.11 to Visual Basic 4 on Windows 95. If you're following modern development practices, migrating to Windows 8 applications is pretty easy. If you're bringing a lot of old apps along, you're in for some challenges.