RemarriageWorks: Stress-free Co-Parenting is Possible!

The Stepmom's Toolbox show

Summary: If you are a divorcing or remarried parent, do you want a better way to co-parent? If you are totally stressed out in your divorce process, or looking to lessen your angst when it comes to your ex and your joint custody arrangement, tune in to hear about a unique mindful and holistic method to get you through.  Join Paula Bisacre, publisher of as she interviews Candace Smyth, an attorney and family mediator about her empowering and positive method to help you move forward in the divorce process, remarried life, and stages of co-parenting with an ex. Having gone through her own painful divorce and feeling unsupported by the traditional process, Candace Smyth has opened a successful divorce mediation and divorce process coaching practice to help couples mindfully and holistically co-parent in a healthy and positive way.