Use Your Earbuds (1/4) | 113

The Simple Show show

Summary: In our new deep-dive series, Kendra and are talking about how to use your earbuds—and no, we don’t mean how to coil them up so they don’t end up a chaotic tangle in your bag (we still don’t know how to do that). ...This series is all about podcasts and playlists. We’re both big fans of listening to both, but we also only have 24 hours a day. This means we can’t listen to everything we’d like, but we do manage to sneak in a good amount of both good music and fantastic podcasts. In Part 1, we go in to the how of podcasts. I mean, yeah, we’re only talking podcasts, not curing cancer, but it’s still a good idea to go in with a game plan, lest you waste all kinds of time. Because if you haven’t noticed, there are tons of podcasts out there, with new ones launching daily. Links: The Simple Show on InstagramKendra’s blog + podcast, The Lazy Genius CollectiveKendra on InstagramTsh on Instagram and Twitterthe Overcast appThe Simple Show on SpotifyFor any links and codes from our lovely sponsors, head here