Spider-Man, Thor, Ironman creator accused of sex assault & Mom charged in infant girl’s death

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace show

Summary: Nurses caring for superhero creator Stan Lee accuse the 95-year-old Marvel Comics founde of sex assault and harassment. Crime Stories' co-host Alan Duke shares the shocking details of the allegations with Nancy Grace. Psycho analyst, forensics expert Karen Smith, and RadarOnline.com reporter Alexis Tereszcuk join the discussion. Nancy also updates the latest in the death of 2-week-old Caliyah Mcnabb found dead in woods near her Georgia, home. Reporter Leigh Egan reports the infant's mother has now been jailed. Lawyer and child advocate Ashley Willcott joins the panel. The autopsy report for Sherin Mathews concludes the Texas toddler died from “homicidal violence.” Death scene investigator Joseph Scott Morgan, psychologist Caryn Stark, and reporter Paul Chambers discuss the case. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.