070: Getting Your Personal Finances In Order After A Divorce With Cassendra Cadeau

The Clever Girls Know Podcast show

Summary: The topic of divorce can be very touchy and even considered taboo but is a topic that needs to be discussed especially because 1 out of ever 2 marriages in the United States ends up in divorce. To have this conversation, my guest on this episode of the podcast is Cassandra Cadeau. Cassendra is the CEO of Gifted Financials (giftedfinancials.com) an organization that helps women learn how to effectively manage their money and live a lifestyle of financial abundance. She’s also the founder of the legacy crew movement, a platform where women also learn how to teach their children and loved ones how to also improve their finances. - What we discussed on this episode: In this episode, Cassendra and I talked about how emotions can cloud your judgement and cause poor financial decisions pre, during or post a divorce and how to manage it all to make sure that despite the emotional turmoil you are able to make sound decisions. We talked about making sure you understand the full picture of your finances as a couple in your marriage, how to get your finances in order after a divorce, picking yourself emotionally and get back on your feet financially if the process took a toll on your finances. Cassendra also shares her personal story, of going through divorce, how she handled it, what she did to keep it together for her 3 daughters and how she came out not the other side financially stable. - How to keep up with Cassendra: You can keep with Cassendra on her website at http://giftedfinancials.com and take advantage of her free 20 minute phone consultation at http://bit.ly/bookmyfreeconsult Get access to my free budgeting tools in my resource library on www.CleverGirlFinance.com Check out the Clever Girl Finance YouTube Channel at YouTube.com/CleverGirlFinance Do you follow Clever Girl Finance on Instagram yet? You should! www.instagram.com/clevergirlfinance Ready to get accountable? Join the Clever Girl Finance Accountability Program over at www.clevergirlfinanceacademy.com