TAS 468: (7 Steps) How We Generated $100k in 31 Days in NEW Brand

The Amazing Seller show

Summary: What would a clear and easy to understand breakdown of how to start a new ecommerce brand look like? Wouldn’t you like to know a proven method that shows how to get a brand up and running that generates $100,000 in 31 days? Does that sound too good to be true? It’s not! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he shares 7 steps you can start working on today that helped him and his new brand reach the success they’ve enjoyed. The work isn’t easy but if you can follow the steps, you will be in a good position to succeed. Have pen and paper ready, you are going to need it! <br> Don’t expect to get rich overnight! <br> It can be tempting to get overly excited and ambitions when you see numbers like $100,000 in 31 days. Fight that impulse to believe that you are going to strike it rich overnight. What Scott has developed here is the groundwork that will help sellers like you get into the best position for success. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear Scott explain his process and exactly what steps he and his team used to build up their new brand. Remember, slow and steady wins the race! Create milestones and goalposts that you want to achieve but make sure to have long view approach. Learn more from Scott’s seasoned perspective on this episode! <br> Find a market that has a following. <br> Before you even pick a product, it’s important that you find a thriving and vibrant market where you can start building your brand. Don’t assume that you can pick the product first and then find a following, it doesn’t often work like that! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott goes over the best way to identify a large market, how to niche down in that market, and find social media channels that will help you grow your brand presence. This is a vital step to pay close attention to, especially if you follow these steps and plan on building an email list! To hear Scott expand on this subject and more, make sure to catch this episode!<br> Build an email list, it’s your best asset! <br> If you’ve been around the TAS community for very long, you know that Scott is convinced that building an email list is vital if you want to have a successful brand in 2018. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott shares why building an email list is so important and how it can serve as your best asset as you build your brand. With so many changes coming down from Amazon and potential changes coming from Facebook, it’s wise for sellers like you to take the time and invest in an asset that you control. Listen to this episode as Scott provides further insights into this important topic! <br> Make sure your product listing is optimized. <br> If you want to have the most successful experience as you build your ecommerce brand, you’ve got to start by selling on Amazon. While the hope for many ecommerce sellers is to eventually move or expand their business to multiple channels, Amazon remains the best one to use for sellers getting started. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott explains why Amazon is the best platform to build your ecommerce brand on and how you can make sure your listing is optimized before the first viewer finds your product. Make sure you have all the tools you need to set your product and your brand up for success right out of the gate! Don’t miss this helpful episode! <br> OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER<br> <br> [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!<br> [9:30] Don’t expect to get rich overnight! <br> [11:30] The 10 x 10 x 1 strategy. <br> [14:00] #1: Find a large market using the touch list method.<br> [15:00] #2: Niche down in that market.<br> [16:00] #3: Find social media channels that validate your market. <br> [18:30] #4: Build an email list. <br> [23:00] #5: Find low competitive products is key! <br> [25:30] #6: Optimize your product listing. <br>