Tia Rivera “The Dance of Leadership” on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #2027

The Erica Glessing Show show

Summary: <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino;">Tia Rivera</span></p><br> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino;">New York City native Tia Rivera fell in-love with inspiring the world through her movement as far as she can remember. At the age of 17 her professional dance career began. Through hard work and dedication, Tia has been able to share her talents on stages across the globe. Some Tia's notable credits include working with Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Gwen Stefani, Kanye West and many more. At the age of 22, she was introduced to the world of entrepreneurism and went into business for herself. Inspired to provide motivation, education and inspiration for the aspiring entrepreneur she founded her company Turning Pages. Through her love for public speaking she has had massive success with helping others reach their goals and maximizing their own potential. Tia has been a certified regional trainer, doing keynote speeches on stages across the world, impacting the lives of many. </span></p><br> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino;">Today, Tia travels the world doing what she loves. Working as a professional dancer and choreographer, teaching the art of movement, and providing value to many through her company Turning Pages. Along side her flourishing entertainment career she is helping shape the lives of many in the pursuit of their own dreams. Puerto Rican, New York native, the journey for happiness and success, the tough skin required in the entertainment industry and being an entrepreneur, Tia was simply born to make an impact on the world.</span></p><br> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino;">MORE: <a href="https://tiarivera.com/">https://tiarivera.com/</a></span></p><br> <p><strong>Beyond 8 minutes of daily inspiration,</strong> <strong>today is a <em>Sexy Saturday</em>!</strong></p><br> <p style="text-align: center;"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-507 aligncenter" src="http://theericaglessingshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Sexy-Saturdays-R-1-1-300x300.jpg" alt="saturday-image" width="300" height="300"></p><br> <p> </p>