S05E10 When Your Life Becomes a Tarantino Movie

JW Podcast show

Summary: <p>A fascinating interview with Helen Travers, author of 'A Little Lower than the Angels', who describes how she went from pioneer to prostutute, and how she reclaimed her life again.<br>She explains how she found the prostitute community way more supportive than the community at Kingdom Hall, and she discusses the many therapies and self help techniques ex cult members can try in order to find happiness and fulfillment after severe trauma.<br><br>The link to her book is here: <a href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/Little-Lower-Than-Angels/dp/1906561869">https://www.amazon.co.uk/Little-Lower-Than-Angels/dp/1906561869T<br><br></a>The link to her second book which is free online is here: <a href="http://ex-jws.boards.net/thread/413/witch-chapters-1-4">http://ex-jws.boards.net/thread/413/witch-chapters-1-4</a></p><br> <p> </p>