121 – Email Marketing for Humans with Bryan Cohen

Novel Marketing show

Summary: In this episode we are going to talk about Email Marketing for Humans. Email Marketing is the #1 tool for driving book sales. It is the tractor that pulls all the other marketing efforts behind it. We talk a lot about how important growing your email list.<br> Today we will be talking with email marketing expert <a href="http://bryancohen.com/">Bryan Cohen</a>. Bryan is a two-time USA Today bestselling author and the co-host of the <a href="http://sellmorebooksshow.com/">Sell More Books Show Podcast</a>. He’s also written over 850 book descriptions for other authors in a variety of genres and he boasts over 30,000 email subscribers for his fiction and nonfiction email lists.<br> I will add that the sell more books show is a good companion to Novel Marketing. They cover news while we cover tend to cover timeless marketing fundamentals.<br> Questions:<br> <br> * Why should authors bother with email when readers get so many messages already?<br> <br> * You’re playing the percentages … a higher percentage will interact to email than any other social media platform.<br> <br> <br> * Why do authors have trouble connecting with their readers via email?<br> <br> * Uncomfortable … feels weird to be selling …<br> * Spotlight Effect<br> <br> <br> * What are some of the mistakes you see with author newsletters?<br> <br> * Infrequent … once a quarter isn’t going to do it<br> * No meat, just “buy”! Or rambling emails, where the link is buried at the bottom.<br> * Links to seven different things … no real point, you’ve watered it down<br> * Being genuine is key/real stories/be yourself<br> <br> <br> * How do authors usually set up emails to go out to their readers?<br> <br> * Automated emails to the new subscribers …<br> <br> <br> * How do you get more subscribers?<br> <br> * QUALITY subscribers? Organic. Not the popular answer, but the real one.<br> * Have a website, great content,<br> * I like what you were saying about organic: Make it super obvious how &amp; why to subscribe.<br> <br> <br> * Does setting up automatic emails make you seem like less of a person and more like a company?<br> <br> * Ask a question<br> * Add the first name<br> * Don’t go crazy with the graphics<br> <br> <br> * How do you make this process more comfortable?<br> <br> * Block out a day and write your emails. You’ll start to get into the flow.<br> <br> <br> * What’s the best place for our audience to connect with you, Bryan?<br> * And, since our audience are readers, as well as writers, which of your novels would you suggest they start with?<br> <br> Sponsor:<br> <br> * <a href="http://novelmarketing.teachable.com/p/5-year-plan">Five Year Plan to Becoming An Overnight Success</a><br> <br>