What we see up and on the mountain

Grace-Snellville - Teachings | gfc.tv show

Summary: Even though there’s <a href="https://gfc.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9ccb7027cbbed56bb72e84a0b&amp;id=9551db6ecd&amp;e=f8a72029dd" target="_blank" rel="noopener">nothing inherently sacred</a> about midnight on New Year’s Eve, the turning of one year to the next is a timely occasion to reflect on the previous 365 days.<br> What were the most significant events of the year?<br> What have I learned?<br> What happened to the way my jeans used to fit back in October?<br> Processing these kinds of questions wisely can mean the difference between going forward into mindless repetition and living with fruitful purpose. Because of this, on Sunday we are going to take a walk with Abraham up a very well-known hill to see what we can learn from both the testing and the testimony of our year with God. This story in Genesis 22 has been one of Scripture’s most meaningful passages to me personally over the last few years, and I am excited to share what I’ve learned from it with you.<br> DOWNLOADS<br>  <br>