Social Media and Athletic Trainers with Jodie Kennemer – 421

The Sports Medicine Broadcast show

Summary: <br> Jodie Kennemer, legal counsel for PISD, shares tips and thoughts to help keep ATs out of legal trouble on social media.<br> We work through her presentation and provide general advice but then dig deeper into the more grey areas that we might not consider as being questionable.<br> A couple of basic rules:<br> If you think its questionable then it is.<br> Never post or while in in altered state of mind (drunk, angry, traumatic events…)<br> If you would not say or show it to your young child don't say it on social media.<br> Make sure that your account is open to parents and admin.<br> 90% of inappropriate relationships involve texting or messaging of some sort.<br> Tools:<br> Remind – keeps numbers private and all messages can be seen.  It also allows you to set office hours so messages before or after a certain hour receive a warning.<br> Hootsuite – can schedule posts for multiple platforms and can also give access to another person to help manage and edit posts.<br> <a href="">Show Notes</a><br> Win a <a href="" title="School Health" class="pretty-link-keyword" target="_blank">SchoolHealth</a> gift card – complete this form each month. <a href=""></a><br>