TKAM #798 Jesus Caught The Flu. Female Viagra’s The Cure #AirOutWednesday

TK in the AM: show

Summary: 2.7.18 It’s snowing in NYC and the weather is about to turn as cold as Melania’s love for Trump. What a perfect time to let loose and say all the things you pent up. It’s Wednesday, everyone. #AirOutWednesday TK and Conscious get the show going by talking about the newest Bondfire show, The TripOver. It’s crazy, and it’ll get crazier. Conscious talks about Elon Musk’s new rocket launch, we argued about satellites. TK brings up an important question: how do you lose a salad? No, really, how? In #NewsYouCanUse: Larry Nassar, doctor who sexualy abused gymnists, has been condemned to 40 to 100 years in prison. 45 is insisting the pentagon for a military parade. Still no better treatment of vets. Church leader that supports 45 told the congregation to avoid the flu shot; Jesus is their flu shot. Following #ChatroomCheckin, we get some of your air outs to the universe. If the universe doesn’t hear them, then how will it know where to strike? We end the show by talking about the viral video of a guy slipping his girlfriend female viagra. If Bill Cosby hasn’t taught us anything in the last two years, then we don’t know what will. With the flu going around this season, get your flu shot. Wash your hands with soap and don’t forget to make sure it foams up. If you get sick, stay home if you can. Spread some love, not the flu. #AirOutWednesday RUNDOWN 0:00 #SONG: Tupac - Hail Mary 5:29 Intro: The new Bondfire show; Satellites; the tale of the missing salad 23:18 #SONG: The Bug - Bad (feat. Flowdan) 27:45 #NewsYouCanUse: Larry Nassar; 45’s parade; the flu and Jesus 53:40 #AUDIO: Flu Air Out aka STAY HOME 58:09 #SONG: GOLDA - Villain 60:02 #ChatroomCheckin: Airouts 72:31 #AirOutWednesday: TK & Cons “debate” The Female Viagra prank. #Outro: Good AirOutWednesday