Pornography, Paedophilia and The Judges!

Europe Calling show

Summary: Inés Arrimadas, 36, is enjoying her last days of rest in her home town of Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz). The more than 1,000 kilometers separating her from Barcelona provide the kind of perspective that she needs to resist the pressure coming in from all sides: after her pro-unity Ciudadanos became the most-voted party at the Catalan election of December 21, many voices are demanding that she take the initiative and try to form a government. In a rare outing, former Spanish King Juan Carlos was seen at Epiphany Day celebrations just days after complaining bitterly, and publicly, about feeling sidelined by the royal family. The Spanish government is investigating Iberpistas, the operator of the AP-6 tollway northwest of Madrid, after thousands of vehicles were trapped for up to 18 hours in the snow over the weekend. Many drivers complained about a lack of information about the situation SPAIN'S El Niño lottery has officially been drawn, with first prize going entirely to Bilbao. A GIANT €35 million hotel is to be built near La Fossa beach, Calpe, dominating the skyline as the area’s tallest building. MORE THAN 200 African Migrants have entered Spain after storming over a double fence between Morocco and Melilla. In total, 209 people reported In a chaotic Theresa May cabinet reshuffle... Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt warned Theresa May he would rather quit than accept a move to the business department and Justine Greening refused to move to work and pensions. In an open letter signed by 20 MEPs - including Tories Julie Girling and Richard Ashworth (pictured) - the Prime Minister was urged to keep Britain in the single market following Brexit. A figure of 24,473 averages out at around 160 requests a day from computers and other devices connected to the parliamentary network, which is used by MPs, peers and staff----to download there a link to the following....?.....Nearly half of paedophiles found guilty of grooming a child online before trying to meet them for sex are let off jail by 'lenient' judges, new figures show. Criminals who have been spared time behind bars include a 56-year-old man who attempted to meet who he thought was a 15-year-old girl for sex before being arrested by police, who then found 1,673 indecent images of children at his home. MPs accused of sexual harassment could be let off with making an apology or completing a training course, a leaked Commons report has suggested. The draft proposals come from a group of cross-party MPs set up by the Prime Minister to create a new complaints system to tackle sexual harassment in Westminster. Other formal sanctions against sex-pest MPs, following a string of serious allegations last year, include suspension or even a recall in which they could lose their parliamentary seat Journalist Carrie Gracie says she doesn't trust her BBC bosses and believes they lied to her about why men get paid more following her resignation from the broadcaster. In an interview that was aired on Channel 4 News tonight, the former China editor revealed her bosses have not contacted her since the story broke. The 55-year-old, who has worked at the BBC for 30 years, said she doesn't trust the corporation and doesn't buy their excuses about the gender pay gap. The National Union of Students has been forced to apologise after omitting Judaism from a survey on religion - just months after making the same mistake. he form - which was sent out across the UK - offered 11 options including 'Muslim', 'Christian' and 'Spiritual' but failed to mention the country's fifth-largest faith.It has sparked a furious backlash with Twitter users accusing the NUS of 'forgetting Jewish students again' after it emerged that the organisation made the same error just months ago. In July it sent out a religious survey which missed out Judaism sparking a series of complaints from furious students.