Transformed in 2018 - You Can Know God

Christ Community Chapel (Audio) show

Summary: In Ephesians 2:1-10, we read that we were dead in our trespasses and sins, but because of God's great love and grace, we have been saved. Because we are naturally spiritually dead, we have little desire to put God at the center of our lives. While we could act like the moon - a cold, dead rock that still reflects the brilliant light of the sun to illuminate the world - we choose not to do so. We could put God at the center of our lives and choose to orbit him, reflecting his grace and radiance to the world, but we want to be the sun, not the moon in our lives. We want God to orbit around us. We are ravenous for glory, but our own success can never illuminate our lives the way God can. We must realize it's not about having God orbit around us, but accepting that we will remain cold, dark and spiritually dead without him. It is a state that requires a radical solution that overcomes our strong desire to be self-centered... And that solution is grace. Only grace can change the orbit of our lives, and it's given to us abundantly in the sacrifice Jesus made. Yes, we can know God, but first we much accept his grace and then be transformed by the humility, compassion and love that comes with it.