One Game to Share – Wargaming Recon #200

Podcasts – Wargaming Recon show

Summary: Celebrate the show’s 200th episode by discovering what ONE game the fellas would share with another gamer.  Listeners join the fun by sharing their pick to share. Mailbag Listener One Game Picks: Alyssa from Enfilade says “Bear Yourselves Valiantly for the double-activation method and interesting dice for attacks and counter attacks.” Laurence says “C&C:Ancients (Amazon affiliate link). Easy to teach, easy to play, great tactile feel and just great fun. You play the game and not the rules.” J Harrison says “I’d go with “Operation Tannhauser (Amazon affiliate link)“. It’s a first person shooter, with great, painted mini’s, lots of room to roam, and several great map boards. It’s easy to teach and your in the middle of things quickly…the options are endless… pick your teams, open and create-able…scenarios and you can add whatever you like… rabid dogs, zombies, and such from other games… you can even take the tiles from “Mansions of Madness (Amazon affiliate link)” or “Gears of War (Amazon affiliate link)” and a create new battles … great game” Glenn says “Way to go! Two games, Sharp Practice 2, small model count, and driving storyline built in Fire and Fury / Regimental, who doesn’t love the American Civil War, and the rules just keep working well And OK, a third, Sword and the Flame, colonial fighting, hordes of Zulus or Afghans or whatever, very literary!” Jay from the Veteran Wargamer podcast says “Stargrunt II (Amazon affiliate link), not terribly well known, models small unit actions very well and has a very subtle morale system.” Richard says “March attack ,Napoleonic. Easy to learn rules with a real historical feel.” Mac says “Interests? I would highly recommend any rule set by Too Fat Lardies” Ian says “Rapid Fire WW2. It is a fairly quick play set of rules which can be easily adapted to suit most occasions. The scenario books give good games which the forces are fairly historically accurate, which takes away a lot of the power gamer opportunies” Steve Wollett from Nerd Rage News and the A Word from a Gamer documentary says “1st or 2nd edition – BTRC Timelords, one of the best RPG’s ever written Then again just about every game that company has made has been pretty good.” John says “We The People/George Washington’s War (Amazon affiliate link) – The game is fun, not hard to learn , and has a variety of game mechanics, card -driven, point-to-point movement, and tactile generals to move. Plus you learn about history from the events, geography too; I have used in small classes.” David says “good games for kids” David D says “D and D (Amazon affiliate link). Any edition. Except 4th, obviously. Why? Because it was the first. It started an industry, it’s helped millions of people come out of their shells, meet new people, forge new friendships, learn problem solving skills, the importance of always rolling the bodies.” Wargaming Recon One Game Picks: Adrian picked Advanced Squad Leader (Amazon affiliate link) Alex says “I won’t be there for the recording sadly – obligations. My game is probably no surprise. Song of Blades and Heroes (Amazon affiliate link). Reason – learning that rule set.  means you have learned the rules to other games by Ganesha in various periods and settings. One size fits almost all.” Jonathan picked Black Powder (Amazon affiliate link) Wargaming Recon Facebook Group  Some great discussion about the previous episode.  Especially the Test of Honor FAQ and distribution announcements. Announcements Wargaming Recon Facebook Group  A place for listeners to hang out, chat about the hobby and the show. We have seen some great discussions lately.  Some members have shared pics of minis they’re painti[...]