3995 One Big Sh!t Test - Call In Show - February 7th, 2018

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [2:00] – “A few years ago, I began to see a young woman, who I eventually moved in with, right around the time we found out we were going to have a baby. However, by the time our daughter was born, we had already broken up a few times. Eventually we did get back together, but again, we broke up. Early last year, we finally got back together, which was supposed to be the "last attempt", and things were fine for the first half of last year. And then we broke up for different reasons than my infidelity last summer, mainly revolving around communication issues, which had always plagued us. Now, once again, I feel like maybe there is a chance we can get back together, if I were to really pursue it. There is a part of me that wants to be a good man and make our young family whole again, as my ex-girlfriend is pregnant with our second and due in a few months. But I also feel like I'm not ready to settle down still. I still have a part of me that wants to ‘sow my oats,’ so to speak. And I have the unfortunate feeling that we won't work out no matter how much I have this vision in my head of this perfect family. I feel divided 50/50, and it doesn't seem to be getting better with time. What should I do?”<br><br>Question 2: [1:22:37] – “Growing up in an abusive household with two alcoholic parents I have made most of my life about not being them. Though I fell into alcohol abuse myself I quit drinking and started therapy four years ago. This created a radical change in my life mentally, physically, and socially. Through therapy I had to ask myself this question: If most of my choices have been made in an effort to not be someone then who am I? My life, today, is the polar opposite of what it was just four years ago in a positive way, but I still struggle with that question. Am I truly myself or just a reaction to someone else? Is identity just a collection of impressions others made upon you?”<br><br>Question 3: [1:50:03] – “I'm afraid that now that I've developed such a very scientific/debunker mind over the last 10 years, totally separate from my faith, I'm honestly afraid to even approach the subject but feel an intellectual urge to do so. To put it simply - I'm afraid to look at it for fear that my Christian faith will go away like my previous strong beliefs (conspiracy, JFK, UFOs, etc.) and I will become an Atheist - which is not to say that I have any problem with Atheists/Agnostics. I'm basically at a crossroads and suffering with this decision on whether or not to review my faith. Is 100% preserving my faith (by not looking into it) worth it? Or is being 100% intellectually honest and risking a troublesome outcome better?”<br><br>Question 4: [2:32:57] – “I’m a nihilist. This simply means I see no true meaning to life. To have meaning would seem to suggest a purpose granted by something far more intelligent entity than ourselves. I believe, instead of saying we have meaning, that we rather have a function as a species. That function is simply to continue breeding and progressing the species. It’s naturally what we do, as all other animals. Do you believe we could ever achieve a world of nihilist and still progress as a species? Or, must religion always maintain that push toward the ‘function of our species?’”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate