My Favorite Husband – Valentines Day. 490211.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The new gay family series of two married people, who live together and like it. <br> There’s still three days until Valentines Day, but Liz has been hinting to George all day long. George is skeptical over the whole Valentines celebrations. He thinks it’s all a big scam to support florists and candy makers. Liz loves it because it gives her the excuse she needs to be loud and mushy when she expresses her love. <br> Even Katie the maid has a special love interest that she has written a poem for. Katie doesn’t have the nerve to give her butcher boyfriend her love note, so Liz goes along for moral support. I feel a mix up coming on. <br> As Liz presents the butcher the note, Katie goes and hides, leaving Liz to face the man alone with the message of love. Will the amorous butcher get the message that Liz really isn’t his secret admirer? I think not. <br> Katie has rebounded from the ordeal, and is already involved with the milkman. Liz writes her own valentine to George. It’s a copy of the one she first sent to him when she was 16 years old. Katie goes to mail it, and Liz is surprised to find that George is home early. He is getting ready to go on a business trip, and needs to pack. Liz wants to give George the valentine, so she races to the mail box to try to get her letter back, if it’s not too late. <br> The mix ups aren’t done yet. Liz finds that her valentine and the butcher payments have been switched. Her hot and spicy valentine went to the butcher. Now she wants to try and intercept it before the butcher gets it. Will she be successful, or will she end up in jail for robbing the US Mail? Not to mention renewing sparks of love with that butcher. <br> When George gets home, he and Liz have to appear in court to iron out the details. The judge, Gale Gordon, presides over the hearing. The judge seems to hold the defendant to be guilty until proven innocent, but it wouldn’t be as funny the other way around. Liz reads the valentine in court. Things are looking bad for Liz and George, but in the end the judge has his reasons for awarding George custody of Liz. <br>